
Interviewing women on television

Q: You may have heard of brother Mu'adh Khan from UK (aka Colonel). He has connection with Deobandi Ulama and is mostly well regarded. His latest idea or fad (call it what you will) is to do a TV Documentary on Deobandis in light of the media attack on Deobandis in the UK. He says he needs to do something for the Ummah right now and has requested sisters to come forward who wish to speak on camera. On his Twitter account he is moaning to Muftis that he can't get hold of any women for the documentary. Surely a TV programme involving at least the voice and possibly the face of a ghayr mahram is impermissible or am I missing some Fiqh that the self-styled scholar has tapped in to? Is this not a case of using batil means to spread the Haq?