
Restoring one's Imaan

Q: All my life I had been a Muslim but recently I began to watch videos on athiesm. At first I didn't believe them but now they have destroyed my iman. I begin to think why would Allah need to create humans and why does Allah not just show Himself? If humanity was created to perfection, why is there so much pain in the world and lastly why is there no clear proof. Please I want to restore my faith I feel so lost.

Marrying an atheist

Q: My muslim friend wants to get married to an atheist guy from thailand. My friend said that she will mary him after he converts to Islam. But the atheist guy said that he only will convert to Islam because he wants to marry her not because he believes in Islam. Is this marriage haram? Shall I try to stop my friend from marrying this atheist guy?

Referring an Atheist to someone who can guide them

Q: I have an atheist friend who asked me few questions that I was unable to answer. So I wanted to find an answer to provide guidance for her to the righteous path.

The first question was, people who tend to have religions tend to be so possessive about their religions and that if anyone doesn't follow their religion they wont be granted jannah. How can there be so many jannahs?

Second question is why is the christians, hindus or the athiests who dont even believe in God have so much that they need, but the Muslim who prays to Allah and does right deeds have so much less and suffer more compared to the others?

How should I show her the right path? I really want to help but I'm not able to explain her doubts about Islam.

Son becoming an athiest

Q: I have a few question and worries that has been troubling me for the past few years and I am not able to find a proper answer so far and I am not able to put this in the right order.

My eldest son is a very brilliant student. I have tried my best to provide him with forms of educations including but not limited to religious and modern education. He had been an awardee for many scholarships. After High-school he cleared the NDA (National Defense Academy) examination in air wing, however, he was not able to join it as the call letter came very late due to some political unrest in our state (Manipur, India) at that time. He was really frustrated after this occasion as this was his dream to fly.

Later after a couple of year, he got selected for "bachelor of technology" in a reputed collage (engineering course). Almost all the problem started off from hear.

Though he was given complete education on Islam, he began denouncing the faith. He also stater smoking lots of cannabis and Alcohol in the college. He seems very frustrated all the time during those period. It may also have been due to a girl he used to like back in his teens. He got a little deranged and got the orchidectomy(self performed) saying he would become a woman and that he have felt like a woman trapped in man's body. I withdrew him from the college after this instance and consulted a psychiatrist for any mental disorders. He had been on medication till recently.

He then joined another collage and graduated in economics. He appeared for the UPSC civil services exam (the top most exam in India for intact of personal in the various governmental department) twice but failed to clear the mains on both occasions although he have cleared the preliminary written test both of the times. He now works for and governmental insurance company as an agent manager. He dresses like a woman and is a supporter of the third gender.

Lately he has shifted his view to ward the line of being an atheist or an agnostic. Because of this I have cut all my ties with him and also from the fear of the society. He is opposing "All" religion citing reasons like he has a brain and used it like non other who are blinded by faith. He further complain that there is a lot of plot holes in all the religious scriptures and that they are all fabricated.

Now, My question is, I do not understand why he is turning into this. He was given proper Islamic education from a very young age and he used to practice obligatory prayers when he was a teenager. What mistake did I make in raising him that he opposed the lord? I am loss of what to do. What will be his fate in the afterlife? Did i do the right thing by cutting all ties with him. Please advice any Islamic and legal way that I can adopt and what relation should I maintain with my son at this point in time.

Keeping an atheist friend

Q: I have a friend who calls herself atheist but she tell us to make dua for her sick mother. She believes that dajjal exists. She never tells anything against Islam. Only once I mentioned her something that time she told something. My question should I continue friendship with her. How do I give her dawah?

Separating from an unfaithful wife

Q: I am married for 15 years with three children, I love my wife but she is very difficult. She has slowly changed from committed women to complete irresponsible lady, took hijab out without my consent, then she stop praying and fasting, then she start going out with liberal clothes until we have been clashing several times. She put forward a divorce petition and made few false allegations to police in order to support her divorce. I have tried to calm her down as the divorce is not justified, invited her to do haj together but she refused, then I realised after a while that she was in relationship with another atheist man for a long time over Facebook who was teaching her how to get divorced and gets maximum money compensation in order to come to UK. The divorce still not finalized and we are in dispute about the children care at this stage. She is taking advantage of the law in this country and does not want to follow shariah law, having said that our marriage was done in Islamic country before we came to UK. What should I do with somebody broken the family and does not obey Islamic rules?

Doubting the existence of a creator

Q: I recently decided to start praying again and become more religious, but I've been getting tons of doubts (astagfirullah) about the existence of Allah. Whenever I try pondering about the signs of Allah, more questions come up, and more doubts arise. I just cannot fathom how Allah exists without nobody to create him (which makes no sense). I also do not feel connection with Allah in my salah as I God forbid am losing believe in the existence of a creator. I'm trying my best to look up facts and signs and read the Quran and so far it's been to no avail. But I'm not quitting praying and reading Quran no matter what as I hope this is a phase that will go away. But it's been troubling me a lot and I just wish it would go away. And whenever I am in salah my brain is telling me to pretend there is a God even though there isn't...blah blah and I keep fighting myself to convince myself there is a God in my salah rather than to believe in God and just enjoy my salah with my creator. I think I'm losing my mind but I just want to focus on believing again. Also, I'm confused as to how all other planets exist and what is their purpose if Allah created us to worship him? Why are they there? Is there no alternate explanation? I really want to believe in Allah and the messenger and not doubt at all. I have a hard time typing this question as I do not want to gain sin by typing out my doubts. God forgive me. If nothing else works, please make dua for me and other's like me who are trying to find their faith through conviction again. Salam.

Marrying an atheist

Q: I got a proposal from my aunty (she lives in America) for her step-son. But the problem is he does not follow Islam. He is an atheist. He does not believe in any religion. My parents and my aunt are telling me that if Allah wills, he will accept Islam in the future (after marriage). My question is can I marry him, is it halaal?