
Keeping aloof from people

Q: I have social anxiety that has been growing since the past year ever since I moved to this new country as a student. The nature of my research-based program also "allows" me to work just by myself without having to go through daily social interactions, and besides I've never really felt comfortable hanging around with my colleagues. I wonder if it's sinful to do such social isolation, because I actually always feel guilty since I feel like I contribute to nothing to people's lives and my presence has no meanings in their lives (in which I always try to make up by doing more charities). I've always wanted to change but it's just so difficult to connect with anybody in this place, and right now I just look forward to finish my study and go back home soon to recover my "normal" life that I had in the past. How sinful it is and how can I make up for such bad habit in a way that doesn't make me uncomfortable all the time just like when I'm being surrounded by people?

Wazifa for anxiety

Q: I want to ask for wazifa. I am ill. Suddenly my heart starts beating fast, racing heart. Docters told me that it is anxiety but the medicine did not bring any improvement. My life becomes dull, hopeless, unhappy.

Talking to someone about one's problems

Q: Is it allowed to tell someone your problems? I have been struggling from depression and anxiety kind of stuff. I didn't tell anybody about it so it got worse. I know alhamdullila, that only Allah can cure this and get me out of this but can I tell someone like sharing with someone and is it allowed to tell an Aalim of Deen about your problems as I faced problems and I didn't tell anyone about it so it got worse.

Anxiety and panic attacks

Q: I am 32 year old single mum of 2. I'm suffering from Anxiety for about 8 months now. Due to some financial issues I used to get panic attacks too, they have calmed down now but I have health anxiety now and my depression has caused me acid reflux. My acidity is so bad that I get chest pains and it goes up my throat and my nose and ear ache too and I be in immense pain for days. I've been to the GP many times but they prescribe me medication that are full of side effects and I am not keen on them such as antacids and antidepressants. I struggle when I eat anything. It flows back up my throat and I can't stop burping which becomes really embarrassing at times. Even if I drink water, it comes back up. It is really effecting my life. I have tried all kinds of medications and home remedies but nothing has worked. I even start crying as it gets so bad at times. Please can you give me a wazifa or tell me what I can do? Sometimes I feel as though this will stay forever. Shaitan whispers all kinds of things in my ears. Please help. JazakAllah