
Paying for a driving license

Q: I have been for 2 driving tests and have failed on both tries. Due to not offering a bribe. I am now told that this is a problem countrywide and that the only way to get it is to solicit a bribe. Multiple family members of mine in my area as well as certain aalims family have done this out of desperation. I however would like to know the position on this matter. I am aware that it is illegal in the state.

It can be assured that I am a proper driver and not a hazard on the road. The only reason for looking at this avenue is due to the corruption being so widespread that this seems the only way to obtain my rights. Although it is morally hazardous, please advise me the Muslim viewpoint on this matter bearing in mind that it is out of desperation due to no other options.

Reciting Qur'an while driving

Q: I read in seeratun Nabi that the worst person is he who reads the Quran without attention. I usually read three paras a day whilst driving, but most of the time my attention deviates. Should I read less and try to focus more? Will I be punished rather than receive reward for all the recitation without attention?