
Renting out one's late father's house

Q: We are in the process of selling my late fathers house. We are 4 brothers and 3 sisters. We are aware what the split is under Islamic shariah law. The question is this:

The house is on the market but is not selling as the market in the UK is very volatile. I have been advised that as it’s inheritance, the house needs to be sold and each person should be given their shares. One or two brothers and sisters have indicated that we should rent the house until the market picks up. I object to this on the term that it’s inheritance and needs to be disposed of ASAP and to leave it empty and on the market until it gets sold.

Can you give me some guidance on this. There is no loan on the house and my late father was free of any debts.

Making a bequest for one's daughter in law

Q: My question to you is:

Notes to the question,

• I have two brothers and 1 sister (we in total are 4)

• Gold worth $2000.

• Written and signed on a piece of paper in presence of 2 witness (my wife's mom and I)

• No objections by brothers and sister.

Before my mom passed away, she wrote on a piece of paper that the gold worth $2000 should go to my wife when she dies (My wife's mother and I were the witness). None of my siblings knew about this and got to know after the death of my mother and haven't raised an objection. My mom gave my wife the gold because she made lot khidmat of her. What's the Islamic ruling on this? 


Q: My sister lost her husband and she has two kids viz 7 ear old son and 11 year daughter. The husband left behind his business and two buildings; one residential and one commercial where the business is running. However, these two buildings have been orally given to him by his father. There is no written proof of transfer. The father of the deceased is alive and has huge property. He has another son who has some psychological problem hence unable to make any decision.

We have temporarily transferred the business in the name of the children under the guardianship of the mother so that no one can cause any harm to the business.

My question is how will the law of inheritance apply in this case?


Q: My sister's husband passed away. He had a house on mortgage which she sold and received some money after paying off the loan. He has one other property. Please advise how this share is done as he left behind his parents, a son and a wife. 

Making a bequest to give all one's wealth in charity


1. My grandmother passed away last week. Before she passed away, her will was to give her savings (money) to charity. However my grandmother has 3 daughters and my grandfathe... My mother is the eldest of the daughters, however she is not psychologically sane and my grandfather has dementia. How do we distribute it?

2. Do we divide it amongst the daughters and ask them if they want to give it to charity if they don't need it or do we just give the whole amount to a charity organisation? 

3. If we have to give it to the daughters and my grandfather, what do I do in the case of my mother and grandfather as they not psychologically sane. Does the grandkids get the amount as well?


Q: A friend of my brother passed away and left behind a mother, wife, 4 brothers and a sister. His brother had an investment of a million rand which would be paid out in the near future insha Allah. He asked me to find out what is the split of inheritance between the family. How much does each individual get?