
Adverts appearing on free websites

Q: WordPress.com is a website hosting service provider. The company offers a free website plan (package). A downside of the free plan is that WordPress.com will occasional display an advertisement on one's website. One has no control over the content and images appearing in these advertisements. As long as the advertised content is not (sexually) mature or illegal, it can appear on one's website. All advertisements are either a still image or a playable video. The appearance of haraam advertisements are likely and are often observed. One does not gain any income from these advertisements in the free package. Only logged-in WordPress account holders do not see advertisements.

1. Is it permissible to host an Islamic website using this free WordPress.com website plan?

2. Is it permissible to host a non-Islamic website using this free WordPress.com website plan?

3. Is it permissible to host and design websites for non-Muslims using this free WordPress.com website plan?

Using paid WordPress plug-ins which one received for free

Q: I am creating / developing my ecommerce store (on wordpress) selling various products online. It requires some Plugins / Extensions to be installed which are PAID. I am enrolled in a course (on Udemy) where my tutor gave me all those (required) plugins for FREE to use them on my own ecommerce site.

P.S: I don't know whether my tutor owns them or he grabbed them from somewhere else. I did sent him an email asking that but haven't heard from him. If I use those plugins on my site, and the income which will be generated from my store will be Halal or Haram? Can you please guide me on this?