
Oral sex

Q: A wife is not allowed by doctor to have intercourse with the husband during pregnancy because of complications. The husband is also co-operative but certainly has his desires What if the husband makes love with her during 7th month and asks her to suck his private part. The wife doesn't do it as it feels disgusting, will she be under the ruling of not making her husband happy or is it haram to do so ?

Fear of being unable to satisfy one's wife

Q: I am a male, 26 years old and newly married (7months). My wife and I are very good humans with average Islamic knowledge but very happy. I provide almost every common thing she needs and she is very happy in today's era, a car, house, clothes, food hangout, movies etc. very good and my parents are really happy with her. I have been a a bad human before and only Allah can forgive for the sins but I hate the past and very happy with present and looking for a better future.. Since I have had multiple sexual relations before and everything, I don't have a high sex drive anymore and my wife is pretty much a virgin as I know her family background and since I know women alot, I can tell that after living for 7 months with her... The thing is she is not interested in sex and because I have done so much bad in my past I also feel fine and I am never upset or sad when she gives me excuse if I try... But I am just scared since I want to be a nice Muslim. If this is my duty to satisfy her or if angels or Allah is angry at her bcz of me? I don't want sex from her if she cannot give me and I want her to go to heaven and that's why even if I have 1% sad feeling about sex I just say Allah I am happy and not upset with her I swear dont be angry on. But on my part I am scared if she curse me for not giving her sex? Since as I know women well but in this case by grace of Allah I am very nice husband overall so I have no doubt she is happy with everything else also the other thing I am scared is if she doesn't find me attractive? Since I'm not a handsome guy compare to average but women do get attached with guys if together so that shouldn't be issue.. My question is is it ok if we r happy and we don't sex at all or is it a must to have sex also i dont want kids now aswell so sex for pleasure is the only thing I'm worried about her the most.

Unable to satisfy one's wife

Q: I am lecturer in physics at a govt college. In 2007 I got married and yet I remained unable to have intercourse. I have a problem of erection and discharging early. At the first night my wife was not willing to have intercourse then on her will I did not have intercourse. For many days we do oral and upper sex with each other but my wife was not willing to do intercourse and I also left it. But after 3 months we tried for intercourse but my wife got frightened and I also did not get a full erection to insert inside and discharge before inserting. This thing is going on for the next 5 months and I remained unable to do intercourse. Then I decided to take medicine and have different treatments but got no success and remained unable to insert and to get full erection and discharge early. I asked my wife to take a divorce from me as I am not able to fulfill her sex requirements but she said that she want to live with me and have treatment done. I make many attempts to do intercourse but remained unable and also take different medicines. Before marriage I never know that I have that problem otherwise I will never get marriage. Now I am in deep depression as I feel that I destroyed the life of my wife and I am committing the sin and she is not willing to take divorce but she got frustrated when I remained unable to do intercourse. Now 10 years are passed and if she now takes divorce where she will go?

Kindly help me and tell me that is my nikkah or marriage is valid?

Secondly what is the ruling of Islam for couple like us, what we should do? We are in deep trouble and depressed. My wife want to live with me and want to do intercourse with me and she has emotional attachment with me. Is it possible that I can be able to do intercourse and be able to satisfy me wife? I am in deep trouble, kindly help me to overcome this problem. 

Husband not being intimate

Q: I am very concerned about my marriage and I need help. I have been married for 5 months now and my husband has not consummated our marriage. Although, he is intimate in other ways and treats me well. I am very disturbed and embarassed to talk to him about the issue. I wanted to know how should I deal with it.