Names, Surnames & Titles

Keeping the name Hajirah

Q: My daughter's name is Hajirah but we are confused as to what is the actual spelling of the name. Please let us know the correct spelling as in English and urdu. Also the meaning of the name. Some people suggested that you should not have kept this name as she would also face hardship like Hajirah (alaihas salaam). Also this is an old name. Kindly advise.

Correct spelling of the name Aasiyah

Q: We have named our daughter Aasiyah after the beautiful personality af Aasiyah (radhiyallahu anha). However, recently my grandmother called me to tell me that she heard a mufti on the radio saying that the name means sinner. I did a bit of research and did find a hadeeth in Muslim regarding the name 'Aasiyah, however it was spelled with an 'ain and our daughters name is spelled with an alif. Please give clarity on the matter as it is causing great stress.

Meanings of the names Uswah and Marwah

Q: I want to ask about the meanings of two female names my sister wishes to give her new born baby... One is Uswah (meaning on internet available is sunnah or practice) and the other one is Marwah (meaning on internet available is a mountain in Makkah or a white bright stone)

Kindly confirm the meaning of these two and suggest if these names can be given to a baby girl? We need your suggestion as naming a baby is a very important matter.

Meaning of the name Amaani

Q: I would like to know if keeping the name 'Amaani' is disliked, though it means faith, wishes, hope.

I have a 15 year old daughter whom I named 'Amaani.' However my sister in laws insist it is mentioned in bad contexts in the Quraan, no positive aayah, though the meaning of the word itself is good. They often tell me to change her name. Is there any truth in this? Can a name be affected just because it is used in a aayah of warning?