Oaths & Vows

Breaking an oath

Q: I work in the medical field. A few months ago from extreme pressure of my family they wanted me to quit my job. My mom said I was overweight and heavy and need to exercise. I told them I would exercise but they said it was not enough. They wanted me to quit my job even though I promised I would, they did not believe me. So, I made a mistake and swore on Allah (Ta'ala) that If I did not reach my goal of proper weight I will quit my job. It is now end of march and I have not reached my goal. I know it was wrong to swear and I should not have done that. I apologised to Allah (Ta'ala). But I cannot quit my job due to financial troubles. Can something be done about this? I was told by someone that breaking a promise means 60 days of fasting or feeding the poor? But someone else told me that is only if it was done by accident and not intentionally. I am getting different answers from many people. Please help.

Breaking an oath

Q: If a woman takes an oath saying that she will​ undergo female circumcision and if she breaks her oath she will become a kafir forever. Does she become a kafir if she has changed her mind and does not want to undergo circumcision?

Breaking an oath

Q: If a woman makes an oath to Allah saying that she will undergo female circumcision and if she breaks her oath she will become a kafir forever. Does she become a kaafir if she has changed her mind and does not want to undergo circumcision?

Wife taking a qasam that she will leave the house after two months

Q: My question is that because of some compulsion if we have to break our kasam so what do we have to do. On house changing issue I took a kasam that after two months I will leave this house. I took a kasam on Allah Ta'ala and the Quran but now my husband says, if you go then you cannot come back here and he will break this relation. Now tell me what can I do?

Taking an oath that if one breaks an oath, one will become a kaafir

Q: My question is that I had asked one mufti that if a woman takes an oath that "if I do this or do not do this I will become a kafir forever"and breaks the oath will she become a kafir. His reply was that ulama have said that she will become a kafir. But you had said that she will not become a kafir. Please reply I am very disturbed.

Breaking one's oath

Q: I took a vow saying Wallahi I will not drink a certain drink, then I was opening the can of drink for my friend and some drink fell on my hand and I forgetting my promise licked the drink off. Do I need to make kaffarah for breaking oath in Allah's name? If one breaks a promise taken in Allah's name I understand they must keep 3 fasts, do they have to be all consecutive?