Women working

Woman living alone

Q: I am a Muslim woman. Currently I am going through a lot of troubled times as I lost my job in Dec 2018. I didn't want to be a burden to my parents so I had taken a house for rent close to my office and have been staying alone even after I lost my job. All this while I managed by some savings I had. Now I desperately need a job to pay my rent and bills. I have been worried and praying to Allah. In the house where I stay, it has been 2 years that I am here but had never heard azan till now since there isn't a masjid nearby. But today, all of sudden, I heard azan between Magrib and Isha time. I'm sure this wasn't Magrib or Isha azan. I was surprised to hear it as it is the first time in 2years I have heard it. Can this mean something? Is it some kind of a sign from Allah? What does it mean?

Female dentist treating male patients

Q: What is the ruling for a lady who is a dentist. While treating her male na-mahram patients, she have to touch their mouth area to do the required cleaning and surgery operations. She wears gloves during the entire operation or cleaning procedure.

Also, there are many male dentist doctors availabe in our city. Is it still halaal for her to practise dentistry and treat na-mahram male patients? What is the Islamic ruling on this?

Woman working in a bank

Q: I am a single mother of a 5 years old child. I've been looking for jobs for my livelihood. However, I have been receiving interview calls from either banks or insurance companies mostly. I have no financial support from my ex husband or anyone else to take care of my daughter's expenses. I live in India so Islamic Banking is not prevalent. In this case, please advice if it is ok to work in a bank or an insurance company?

Women working

Q: I am very depressed even though I pray salaah five times a day and sometimes I pray tahajud too. I read Quraan 3 or 4 times a day. I think that I am disobedient towards my parents...

My mother always wants me to study but when I open my books I cant focus. Moreover I have applied for a job at the bank but when I open the books to study, thoughts come to my mind that it is haraam and Allah will punish me. My mother wants me to work and I am very depressed.

I make lots of dua and offer nafl prayers too. I ask Allah to help me so that no one will be displeased with me.

Please advice me so that I can come out of this depression.