one imaam

Committing oneself to following one Imaam

Q: We respect the four imams and we follow the teachings of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and Quran. There are very mild differences in Namaz as said by the 4 imams with their proofs in hadith. Now I pray without rafadayn and my hands are not on my chest while standing. So does it mean that I'm praying the wrong way, because I see in Saudi Arabia they do rafadayn and have hands on chest. Please help me and make my salah better.

Following one Imaam of Fiqh

Q: There are four schools of thought in which there are many differences, like Imam Shaafee says that one should recite Surah Fatiha behind the Imam whereas Imam Abu Hanifa says no to this. There is almost a difference of timing for asr salah. Where should one go, what must one do, who should he follow and which opinion is correct?