daily programme

Daily a'maal to be practised with one's family

Q: I would like it if mufti can answer these questions: We are too engrossed in this world but don't realize that its short. We just do what is necessary and follow in parrot fashion and don't even know if its correct. I would like to know what can we do everyday to guarantee us jannah,and we know we are doing it correct. Please state few like : Zikr (we heard from few majlis what to read)? what to read everyday(kitaabs)quraan? Focus in Salaah how to go about everyday life. I just read my salaah and that's all, but I feel really sad as I feel I am not doing much. Please help so I can prepare for the Heareafter. I also would like to know how do I go about reading my missed Salaahs? Its with great regret that I must say that I have missed around 10 years of Salaah. I need to make a lot of taubah and would like to read my missed Salaah. Please show me the best way to go about reading my missed Salaah.