
Home loan

Q: I live in Mauritius, where Islamic Finance and Interest Free loans are not available. In these circumstances, is it permissible to take a loan to construct a house. I have heard of verses of the Qur'an where Allah declares war on those who consume and pay ribaa.

Interest bearing loan

Q: I wanted to find out something regarding interest. I'm currently in an unstable financial situation, I find it very difficult to pay my expenses, I'm currently working and have tried many things to make additional income with no success. I've been working on a business plan and submitted to government, would it be permissible for me to take a loan from them? The loan will have interest payable. I cannot go to any Islamic bank etc because of my financial record. I have no other options, please advise.

Interest bearing loan

Q: I attend pharmacy school in the United States. It's my first year and as you might know I had to take out a loan because of the tuition. The tuition is extremely high so for the loan I had to take it out on a interest rate. I have taken out 2 loans so far both on interest. I am not doing well in my classes and I am on the verge of failing and getting kicked out. I have been fed up with this and I think it's because my tuition involves interest that's why. I want to leave but I do not know what I would after leaving this school and my parents don't understand; they want me stay here but inside I do not want to. What should I do? Please give me advice.

Interest bearing transaction

Q: I have an idea to build a website that has the following process:

1. The people invest in my website

2. I Invest this money on other things

3. I have profit with this money

4. I give the money back to him/her For Example: Someone invest $10 in my website, then I re-invest this money on other websites. I have $25 in revenues, then I give to him/her $11 back. The main goal is that I want the people invest in my website, then they will have a secure profit, for example for each $10 they invest i will give to him/her $1 profit. The problem is that I don't know if that is haram because the interest or if it is, please give me a way to make it halaal.

Different cash and credit price

Q: The matter is that I have bought a bike. The original price of the bike is almost 40,000 rupees. But I have bought this bike on installments. So, I have paid 24,000 rupees in advance to owner of the shop and remaining 24,000 rupees I have to pay in installments of 8 months with monthly amount of installment is 3000. So, basic thing I want to ask Is this thing came into the radar of Interest according to teachings of Islam or not? I am looking forward for your detailed answer anxiously with complete proof according to teachings of Islam. I shall be very thankful to you.

Investment scheme

Q: My father joins a profit-sharing business which guarantee a monthly dividend between 15% to 30% for up to 1 year (with no guaranteed principle). My question is, is it permissible for me to market this profit-sharing business and make out a sideline business agreement out of it with my potential client? The agreement shall state that, I shall be the guarantor of the principle amount given for the purpose of the profit-sharing business. In return, the client shall pay me a 3% monthly dividend for the period of 1 year. In the event that the business collapses, I shall be liable to pay back the principle amount to my client.

Purchasing a house on mortgage

Q: I have a question that I personally don't have any house or any land in any of the countries. We always hate interest and never did any business or anything else where interest is present. Our income is 100% halaal with an office job. If I buy a house with a mortgage in Canada for personal living with the niyyat of paying it off as soon as possible (within 5,7 years), is it permissible?