
Using waqf money in the manner the donor specified

Q: I had made a Hiba of a property to a charitable organisation with the intention of Isaal-e-Sawaab and stipulated that the income from the property be utilised for charity purposes only, example for the poor and needy, widows, orphans, for their medical and educational purposes and for mosques and madrasas etc. and also requested that a seperate account be maintained for this purpose. This understanding was put on a paper as a document in the form of Memorandum of Understanding and the caretakers of the charitable organisation accepted the offer along with these conditions and signed the document also. Now they have ustilised the revenue from the gifted property to clear up some liabilities of the organisation which they owe to a Bait ul Maal from which they had wrongly withdrawn money for the purpose of construction of a property belonging to the charitable organisation although the money in that particular Bait ul Maal account was made up of only Zakaat money. Now the caretakers have transfered money from he income generated from my gifted property into the Bait ul Maal account to comopensate for the money they had wrongly withdrawn earlier. This is real and sole intention in the transfer of money although the money so transfered into the Bait ul Maal account would eventually be utilised for distributing to Zakat deserving
people only. But please advice whether this procedure adopted by the caretakers [muttawalis] in this manner is right or wrong.

إعطاء الهدايا


السؤال الأول: إذا أعطى أحد للآخر الهدايا ظاهرا (بأن يرون الآخرون فعله) لأجل ترغيب الناس بالمهادات بينهم لكي تزاد المساعدة و الرحمة و المحبة بين المسلمين - هل له ثواب لمثل هذه النية (في إعطاء الهدايا ظاهرا)؟

السؤال الثاني: هل هناك أحاديث ثابتة تدل على أن من فعل فعلا حسنا ظاهرا لأجل ترغيب الآخرين بأن يفعلوا هذا الفعل الحسن - فله ثواب لمثل هذه النية؟

Is it permissible for me to give a department official a gift for helping me with my visas

Q: I live abroad. I am the only son of my parents and there is no one to look after them nicely in Pakistan. I applied for my parents residence visa but for no reason they rejected my parents visa. Our company legal manager contacted one person in the department, he helped us getting my parents visa. After I got my visa, he is asking for his gift for the work done. I didn't promise any gift in advance. He says he helped so he deserves a gift i.e. an expensive mobile. I cannot say no to him ethically because he helped me a lot to get the visa. Is it halaal to give him mobile? I am very worried.

Taking back a gift

Q: My husband is paying a monthly cost for a cell phone contract that he took out for me.. The phone is mine and I am the sole user of it, although he is paying for it. Will it be permissible for him to take it away from me? Is it not my belonging?