
Dua after Fardh Salaah

Q: I am the imam occasionally in my madressa. After the fardh salah of zuhr. Would it be correct if I raise my hands and make dua softly to myself so that no one in the congregation can hear or is it correct to make a loud dua to which the congregation says ameen?

A dua to be recited in the morning and evening

Q: “Whoever says in the morning and in the evening Hasbi Allaah laa illaha illa huwa ‘alayhi tawwakaltu wa huwa rabb al-‘arsh il-‘azeem (Sufficient for me is Allaah, there is no God besides Him; in Him have I put my trust and He is the Lord of the mighty Throne), seven times, Allah, may He be exalted, will suffice him for what concerns him,” and it does not contain the additional phrase mentioned (“of the affairs of this world and the Hereafter”).

1. My question is whether this should be recited before or after the Fajr and Maghrib prayer or does the time just have to set in?

2. What is considered morning and evening according to Hanafi fiqh?


Q: Duaa e Jameela. There are various significance of the above duaa one being to be read on the 15th of Ramadaan. Please confirm the significance of above duaa. Can one read as a daily duaa as it has Allah's names.

Strengthening one's Imaan

Q: I was a non-Muslim girl with staying with parents. I left my home and parents without any reason. I left my home when my age was 17 and now I am 29 years old. I converted to Islam at the age of 18 and still am. I had stayed alone and still stay alone. I have went through many hurdles in my life and still going on. Many people used me for their benefits. Now a days I don't know why but my Imaan is getting weaker. It is not like that I don't trust Allah Ta'ala or have no more faith but due to my problems and not becoming any good things in life I am getting worried.

There is much more to say but don't know how should I open up as there is no one in my life to share my each good and bad things.