Types of Treatment

Going to a hindu woman for massages for medical reasons

Q: I am a woman. I have sluggish blood circulation problem and severe anemia leading to weak heart and CHD. I do not wish to take the allopathic treatment which eventually leads to operations. I have been advised to take body massage as alternative. Can I go for massages by a hindu ayurvedic lady doctor. I am a married woman with grown up children.

Energy healing

Q: Is the concept and belief in Chakra or the body's energy points acceptable in Islam especially when applied in namaaz ie. sajdah? This is flaunted nowadays by radio station presenters as a benefit to get rid of negative energy.

Body talk and Reiki

Q: Your fatwa response on body talk an reiki is noted however the problem we here is Azaadville have a bigger issue having to deal with the influence of EFT, which is promoted by an Aalimah, and has changed it to EHT to make it more islamic, however basic processes included Allah awareness but is still based on EFT and its practices, so if it is promoted by an Aalimah how do we convince people its a non-islamic practice? Also she says she has approval from some mufti in PMB yet no local muftis besides that approve body talk. What is sad is that most Aalimahs attend and approve her courses, so how do we get messages out or prevent people from being misled?

Medical problem

Q: I am now a 21 year old boy. I have undescended testicles problem. I don't know from when it occurred from birth or after birth and I want that undescended testicles gets normal by dua.