Animals & Pets

Giving preference to one's cat over one's mother

Q: There is a dispute between my mother and I regarding the cat which I keep in my house. My mother wants me to remove the cat from the house, whereas I want to keep the cat, and this causes us to fight.

I live separately with my wife and I am not even living with my mother, yet she has made a huge fuss for me to remove the cat from the house and I am not willing to do that.

Please guide me as to what I should do? We have extreme love for cats, but now my mother seldom visits our home and only comes perhaps twice a month.

Killing monkeys who have become violent

Q: Monkeys are becoming a big problem in our area, where they are even attacking children and adults if they think the person has any food on them. They are not scared when chasing away is attempted.

Is it permissible to shoot and kill them, if this problem is persisting?

Although it is a big problem, as the troop sizes keep increasing, authorities dont acknowledge any problem.