
Using a black pen

Q: “On one occasion Shaykh Zulfiqar Naqshbandi Saheb (db), while on a journey to Zambia, requested a pen from one of his Khulafa. The Khalifa took out a Blue pen from his pocket and presented it to the Shaikh. On seeing the pen, the Shaikh said, “Subhanallah Mawlana saheb, Are you not aware of the ink colour which is Sunnah?” At this the Respected Khalifah said, that he was set aback by this, and it put his mind and heart to distress. He began thinking, what is the Sunnah ink colour? Then the Shaikh mentioned that “Haven’t you read, the colour of Ink that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) used on the occasion when he wrote letters to Kaiser and Kisra?” And then, the Khalifa remembered that, Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) had used black ink.” 

Mufti Saheb, in light of the above, will I be rewarded for using a black pen  instead of another colour if my intention is to gain the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala by following the Sunnah?

I have no problem with Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmed Naqshbandi (db), it is just that this the first time I became aware of this particular Sunnah. In addition, I thought Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) was illiterate and thus unable to write. Therefore, I am uncertain. Please advise.

Difference of Sunnah and tradition

Q: During my last Jumaah at Baltimore, MD ( we had a brother talk during the Jumaah bayan about the difference of Sunnah and tradition and what needs to be followed etc. This has caused some confusion in my mind. I would appreciate some clarity on the issue in specific mentioned below or just in common to make me better understand what is the correct position on this.

A few things mentioned by the brother was:

  1. The Topi, Turban, Thoppe is all not Sunnah but more of custom and hence no extra reward for following the custom. For women covering their bodies is order from Allah and has to be done but for men pant/shirt is just as fine as anything else as long as it covers the aura.
  2. There are some things that the Prophet(pbuh) did that are not sunnah, for example he slept after the Tahajjud/Sunnah of Fajr and we do not need to do this as he did not ask us to do it. One more example given was that the Prophet(pbuh) would face the person in his entirety while talking to a person and this is again not something that needs to be emulated.
  3. There were a couple more examples given to clarify Sunnah vs tradition and what was exclusive to the prophet like marrying more than 4.

My understanding has always been that every act no matter how simple is an act that needs to be emulated in our daily lives including his dress, mannerisms etc. I would appreciate some clarity on the issue.