Pregnancy and Parenting

When should azaan and tahneek be done after a child is born?


1. What is the most preferred method in the following situation.

After birth, when should the adhaan and tahneek of the baby be done
a. Before the cord is cut.
b. After the cord is cut, before the bath.
c. After the baby is given a bath and the cord is cut.

2. Should both the adhaan and tahneek be done simultaneously according to the most preferred method?

Instilling love for the Quraan in the heart of one's child

Q: My husband and I have been blessed with a baby alhamdulillah. We would like the baby to have finished memorising the Quraan by an early age if Allah wills.

What steps can we take to ensure that the child can begin learning and memorising from an early age? What brain foods would also be good for the child and mother as I’m nursing currently.

Making an effort to ensure that one's baaligh son wakes up for Fajr

Q: I have a 16 year old son that cannot wake for Fajr every day. My wife says to me that’s it’s our responsibility to make sure he gets up. Is it really our duty to ensure that he wakes up for Fajr everyday?

In the past, when I would wake him up, he would say that he is getting up, but most of the time, he would not wake up. Sehri is also a problem, though eventually, he does wake up for sehri. My view is that since he is old enough, if he misses salaah, he will be sinful, not his parents.

Wife calling out azaan for a newborn and other sunnats to do when a child is born

Q: My wife is expecting to deliver our baby in a few weeks through caesarean. However, due to covid restrictions, the hospital is not allowing any visitors to bring children so I am unable to leave my young kids with anyone. My question is, can I give azaan and iqaamah to the newborn after the baby comes home after 3 days or is it necessary to give it soon after birth? If I can’t manage to visit then can I give it over the phone through video call?

Also, do I need to feed the new born with dates and honey? Just to lick it?

Can you please let me know what all I need to do Islamically for my new born baby?