
Denying Taqdeer


1. Is a person considered a Kafir if he or she does not believe in Taqdeer (Destiny)?

2. Can Dua change Taqdeer? Some scholars say that dua can change Taqdeer while others say dua cannot change Taqdeer. I am confused.

Qismat and taqdeer


1. What is the difference between ‘qismat’ and ‘taqdeer’?

2. Which is the destiny that Allah has set for us and will happen no matter what? Also which is the destiny that Allah, if pleased with our Iman and Aamal, may change?


Q: If everything is in Allah's hand why the term test is used? Isn't it written in my taqdir? Is anything which Allah has left on our hands? Aren't our good and bad deeds the earning of our hands?


Q: I have two questions on Taqdeer:

1. Is a person considered a Kafir if he or she does not believe in Taqdeer (Destiny)?

2. Can Dua change Taqdeer? I have heard that Dua can change Taqdeer. Please clarify.


Q: There are many questions in my mind that are revolving and telling me that my Imaan is not complete.

1. Shaytaan is continuously saying to me that it doesn't matter what you do your Imaan is not complete because I am unable to understand the basics of Islam completely. One example is Al-qadar. I believe on everything Allah has revealed on our Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) which includes taqdeer. But believing and understanding are two different things right ? Am I obliged to understand concept of taqdeer ?

2. Second thing that is worrying me is dispute of scholars. Like they have different very different opinions in some matters. One example is that if Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was light (noor) or bashar (human). Now I am really worried that if I believe one opinion of the scholar and what if the other one was right? I will be in great trouble on the day of judgment? Similar is the case with other issues in which scholars have dispute like some says taking waseela of prophet in dua is right and others say its wrong. Here I am worried as well that what if i accept one opinion and in reality the other was right ? I again will be ashamed on day of judgment ? Likewise, I am really confused that because of these scholars if i adopt a wrong aqeedah I will be punished and doomed on the day of judgment. I know that I should read Qur'an and Hadith to find the right path but again after reading Qur'an I do need to read tafseer to understand and there again different scholars take and interpret aayats in different manners. I am really really scared of Allah and His punishment. All scholars have different opinions and I am totally unable to recognize and choose the right one.

Taqdeer and dua

Q: We have the duty to fulfil to the creator and creation. My doubt is we really have the ability to fulfil both things? If we have the ability then why we need to make dua?