Meaning of Islamic words

Difference between fatwa and taqwa

Q: What is the difference between fatwa and taqwa? I could not understand when a man told me this difference. I only know that if someone asks fatwa, it is just because of taqwa. So I could not understand the difference, I was told about. He gave an example:- It is fatwa to lengthen the beard one fist and lengthening the beard 2 inches more than one fist is taqwa. But I know that if I lengthen my beard up to one fist, it is because of Taqwa, otherwise I would have trimmed it. Please clarify if there is exactly any differnce as I am told about? Also explain the given example on beard to be correct or not. Jazakallah.



  1. Is it a sin to commit any act of makrooh tahreemee. How serious is it. Please give me reference from Arabic books like shami etc.
  2. After how long does a makrooh tahreemee become haraam?