
Wrong thoughts

Q: I had this dream/thought of these two people kissing and I was awake but had my eyes clothes after I had woken up almost, and my heartbeat didn't go fast or anything but sometimes when I cross my legs my private area throbs so am I napaak? Would this be considered as a wet dream? Also I am on my period if I am how can I do ghusul? If I sit on stuff and use things will it become napaak?


Q: Please help me. I am in too much waswasa. I always doubt about wet dream. Whenever I wake up after sleep I always doubt that I have some sensation at private area and always thought I have wet dream or not.

1) If I feel some sensation at private area in sleep but not feel aroused or not remember any wet dream but feel wetness ghusl wajib on me?

1.2) In same situation if I don't feel any wetness but after few minutes during istinja I saw white and transparent discharge.

2) Many times I don't remember any thing about dream but I only remember a guy and feel wetness.

3) I always have doubt after every sleep and I perform ritual bath many times. Please reply me I am in overwhelming waswsa sleeping become a nightmare for me.