Girls Names

Keeping the name Abdah

Q: We were blessed with a baby girl 21 days ago. The baby's father named her عبدة فاطمة ('Abdah Faatimah) as an Aalim in our localty told us that it mean "girl doing عبادة". A few days ago another Aalim told us that the meaning of عبدة is slave. Kindly tell us what the real meaning is.

Keeping the name Arya

Q: I am blessed with a baby girl.

1. I would like to know what are the considerations to be kept in mind before naming the child according to shariyah.

2. Is a Arabic name a must? Is a quranic name a must?

3. Does date and time of birth pay any part in selecting a child's name? What effects does a name have on the child and his personality?

4. The name my wife and I like is ARYA which is non arabic and non Quranic. It means Nobel and lioness. Has its origin in Hebrew, Sanskrit and Italian. Have not heard any Muslim child in our part of world with this name.