Safar distance
Q: How many miles if we are far away from our home to pray qasar namaz?
Q: How many miles if we are far away from our home to pray qasar namaz?
Q: How can one tell that traveling this much distance reduces to half rakahs of prescribed salah whereas that distance doesn't make them tired and what is the case of traveling less than the prescribed distance and getting more tired, at this situation is there any reduction in rakah of salah. What is the factor which acts main in reduction of number of rakah of salah. Is there any rule if travel one day, stays less than 3-4days and returning back, in this situation can we pray reduced salah or fulfilled salah.
Q: From what point does a musaafir calculate the start of his journey? For example, I live in London and if I travel to a distant northern city from which point do I become a traveller? The distance from my home to the edge of North London is approx 25 miles. And the distance to the border of my local area is approx 200 feet.
Q: At which point does a person become a musaafir?
Q: Does a person start counting the distance for a musaafir from their suburb or town border because I was told that some ulama say it has changed to suburb?
Q: I am required to travel to work over 150 km a day monday to friday for two months. I have no intention of staying at that location. Am I considered a musaafir and what is the ruling for jummah. The masjids are extremely far from work approximatly 35km as I am based at a construction site. If I am a musaafir, is it incorrect to read the full salaah?
1- Is the following research of the distance of Safar According to the Hanafī Madhhab correct 48 Shar‘ī miles equals (55 miles/88.8 kilometres English miles)Link:
2- What is the research of Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saheb D.B and other senior Muftis regarding the Distance of Safar According to the Hanafī Madhhab in English miles?
Q: From where should a Musaafir start calculating his safar distance? Should he commence from his residence or from the border of the area he resides in?