Qasar Salaah and Full Salaah

How to determine the boundaries of a locality

Q: In beheshti zewar, in the chapter of salaah on a journey, mention is made that if the azaan from one place cannot be heard in another place, then they are regarded as two places, for the purpose of the musafir if he spends 10 days in each place, he would still be a musafir. Does this still apply today when determining where are boundaries? Or does one look at the municipal boundaries between suburbs and localities?

Qasar Salaah

Q: A musaafir became a muqeem in Durban because he intended to stay for 30 days. However, after 20 days, he travels to Port Shepstone, for one day only, returning the same day to Durban. Will this person read qasar for the remaining 10 days or the full salaah?

Performing qasar Salaah while travelling to one's destination


1. If someone intends traveling to a place more than 55 miles (i.e. 88 km) from his hometown but intends staying at his destination for more than 15 days, will he do qasr while traveling to that place?

2. If a person intends going to a place more than 55 miles (i.e. 88 km) from his hometown. After reaching he intends to stay for 15 days. Later on he changes his mind and intends to stay for 2 days. Will he be musafir or muqeem?