
Returning outstanding money to the creditor

Q: I have taken/borrowed some money from a shop as I do not have enough money. I told the shopkeeper that I will give you the remaining amount next time I come, so he agreed and he further reminded me to pay otherwise on dooms day Allah will ask me about it. I didn't give him the remaining amount but now few months later I visited his shop to pay the remaining amount but the shop has been closed. When I asked about him from some of his neighbour's shops, they told me that he has closed his shop from here. I want to pay him his remaining amount. Can you guide me what I have to do?

Medical aid

Q: In South Africa where government hospitals do not treat patients and private hospital fees are unaffordable, is it permissible to take out a medical aid/hospital plan for health reasons? The medical aid/hospital plan offers the following:

1. Unlimited private hospital cover.

2. Full specialist cover in hospital.

3. Monthly chronic medication.

2) Is it be permissible to take monetary compensation in places where the medical aid/hospital plan is not accepted?

Running away without settling one's debts

Q: I am living in a GCC country for the past 20 years. I didnt have enough understanding with ribaa and was having bank loans and credit cards. In early 2008 I performed hajj and made alot of tobah with ribaa and after that I had chances but didnt take it anymore. Later my business got collapsed I got bankrupt and I couldnt repay bank loans. Since that time i owe banks money And my full intention was to repay the money somehow but I got total loss and now I am just jobless for around 2 years now in dire constraints completely. I want to ask you that if I leave the country without paying back the loans what I have trying hardest for the last 7/8 years...and there is no way to return and I am getting worse situation. Will I be held responsible or is it gonna be sin if I leave without paying as per my financial situation.

Selling one's share in a company

Q: I have paid 50% money for owning a business firm and the owner put a condition that I must pay the balance 50% within 6 months’ time and I have to give the money from foreign country where he is working. I can run/own the business only after paying the full amount. After 5 months, I asked my friend to join the partnership with this business by paying the balance of the money from a foreign country and he is ready to join also. However currently the value of this business is increased during this 6 months duration. So, can I reduce his partnership percentage to 30% as per current value of business firm and actually he paid 50% of the total value (It means he has to pay more money than actual value that I brought as per current market price). Is it become permissible as per Islamic rule?