
Hair dye


1. What is the Shar'ee ruling regarding hair dye? Is it permissible to use?

2. What colours of dye should one use and which colours should one avoid using?

3. Is there any difference in the ruling between men and women?

4. Is it permissible to use hair dye which is non-porous and prevents the water from touching the hair? If one used such dye, will one's wudhu and ghusal be complete?

5. I heard that applying mehndi is a Sunnah. Can a person dye his beard or hair with mehndi and will one receive the reward of the Sunnah if one applies it?

Women's Salaah

Q: I read in your book that women's clothes during salaah can't reveal her body shape. My salaah dress is not tight, however when I go to ruku you can see the shape of the knees, going to sajda – shape of back, in jalsah – shape of knees again as I sit, etc. so the dress is not tight but not very flowing and loose. Is it a problem? I have also question about sleeves of the dress. It is not tight, but not that its very wide, when bending an arm it shows shapes of elbow, etc. is it a problem? In one my abaya a sleeve has a tight ending, around 20 cm from a wrist upwards towards elbow. Is this tight ending a problem from making salah in this abaya? Also, is it ok to make salah in hijab (scarf) or only in khimar is ok, because hijab when wrapped around head looks tight and khimar flows down. At home I make it in khimar (till belly), but outside in hijab (scarf), what is the status of common hijab (scarf) for salah? By the way, even khimar falling down the bosom still shows its shape. Is it ok or we have to wear khimar 3 times bigger our size to have many gathers to hide all possible shapes? Is it what we have to try to achieve in our dress for salah and our khimar? In your book its stated that arms of a woman must be under burqa. I checked burqa in the internet and saw a dress that clothes all face including eyes. Is this the requirement, because it is also written in the book that face can be open? My khimar is till belly and its inconvenient to put hands under it for takbeer. Is it ok to do it on top?