imitating the kuffaar

Refraining from having any type of association with the kuffaar

Q: I am a converted Muslim and my mom is non Muslim. I saw a dream that I am at my moms house and a group of sadhus in ripe mango colour clothes started entering in my moms house in that group some small children sahus were also there and with their one hand all sadhus were playing lazim like something some sort of music was there in my dream me n my mother were saying them to stop not to enter house but they were not listening to us and from that group one man took my hand bag which was hanging and it was yellow in colour and he hanged it on his left shoulder and went directly to toilet and tried to close toilet door n remove my rupees from purse and one small sadhu boy was standing outside the toilet door and I was stopping that man to close toilet door and from removing money then also he was not listening he was trying to remove money from purse and they were entering. I don't remember but I felt like some gulal was sprinkled on them I did not see gulaal but I felt like that.

Imitating the kuffaar

Q: There was a fun run race this past month that is called colour run. Basically the people run a fun run where along the way colour powder gets thrown at the runners. This is a global event which is now becoming prevalent in the Muslim community. The purpose as per their website is celebrating healthiness, happiness and individuality. I would like if Mufti can maybe give a general view on the harms of doing such races and also expanding on the nature of which this is similar to a Hindu custom (Holi)?

Energy healing

Q: Is the concept and belief in Chakra or the body's energy points acceptable in Islam especially when applied in namaaz ie. sajdah? This is flaunted nowadays by radio station presenters as a benefit to get rid of negative energy.

Emulating the kuffaar

Q: From the below ibaarat it is understood that the following two things will be with tashabbuh:

1) قصد (to be مشابه)

2) ميلان

So if the any of the above is not found this will not be tashabbuh. Is this correct?

Emulating the kuffaar

Q: What does emulating the kuffaar mean? Is it only confined to clothing or does it also relate to other aspects of one's life? We see the kuffaar driving cars and eating and drinking in plates and cups and we Muslims also do the same. Is this not also emulating the kuffaar in our actions?

Celebrating birthdays and anniversaries

Q: Thanks for replying for not celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. But if someone invited us, then we should not join them and make an excuse right? And if we just had a dinner at home with family and give a gift to the kid and have a home made cake, is it permissible? Secondly, if someone joins the birthday party then does he come out of the fold of Islam, his wife is haraam on him and he has to renew his nikaah? Thirdly, by wearing shirts and trousers and not keeping a beard are we not emulating/copying the kuffaar? Are we not supposed to refrain from wearing kuffaar outfits?