recipients of zakaat

Helping sick people with zakaat money

Q: May I please ask your advice on two matters with regards to Zakaat.

a) My wives uncle recently had both his legs amputated. He is an elderly 78 year old man with two unmarried daughters (both working) and a son. He has a house. They are living from hand to mouth and come from the poor community. Am I allowed to use my zakaat funds to purchase needy medical equipment that he requires, like a hospital bed, a wheelchair etc?

b) In our community there is a lady who has also had both her legs amputated. She lives in a small backyard room. No income. Are we allowed to assist her in settling some monthly accounts like electricity, food, groceries etc with our zakaat funds?

Distributing zakaat

Q: In regards to discharging Zakaat, it has become very difficult now a days to find out who deserve to receive Zakaat. Please advise where else it can be discharged like muslim institutes, orphan centers etc?

Using one's zakaat to pay for one's mother's treatment

Q: I am a 70 year old retired person and have no means of income besides some investments in Islamic bonds. I pay Zakat Alhamdollilah every year to deserving persons. My 100 year old mother fell seriously sick and had a Paralysis stroke and presently is in Coma stage. She is attended by two female nurses [12 hours duty each] and one Physiotherapist at my home besides her prescribed medications. I am aware that I am not allowed to give Zakat money to Parents. However, cost incurred by me on her treatment and Nursing / Physiotherapy is beyond my reach as I have a very limited pension type income. Can I pay her treatment, Nursing and Physiotherapy expenses from my Zakat fund?