
Reading books of a doubtful nature

Q: I would like to know about Nawaqid al Islam by Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab. I have asked around at bookstores asking about it but no one has heard of it. I read it is about shirk and nullifiers so I would of like to read it but I cant understand if it is reputable to read? Is it something that is debatable? Can you please shed some light on the above mentioned book?

Selling health books that contain pictures of animate objects

Q: I want to sell physical health eBooks that may contain images of humans for the purposes of demonstration. E.g. a fitness eBook demontrating how to perform an exercise or movement. The intention is that buyers will be purchasing the eBook for the information and content and not for the images. What is the ruling on this (both male and female images, would awrah need to be covered as this is solely for demonstrational/educational purposes?) and will income gained from this be halal? If this is not permissible, could you give me guidance on other methods I can use to demonstrate things such as exercises/stretches with visuals etc.

Reading books that create doubts and suspicion

Q: Recently I read a book and it contained things about another religion. I suffer from severe waswas so I started thinking what if I disbelieved in what should be believed. So can you please tell me whether these statements are correct in the light of Islam or not.

1- God will not abandon us

2- Hand of God is leading us

3- Lord stretched out His Hand and gathered you in the true fold as He will all nations in His own good time

4- The Hand of the Lord shall be heavy upon you

5- and the Lord go with you

6- He shall arise and smite you