
Giving azaan and iqaamah when performing salaah at home if one can not hear the azaan

Q: In my area, the nearest masjid is about 10kms. There is also a musalla nearby but azaan from the masjid or the musalla is not heard. However, for several reasons, I have to perform salaat on my own at home and, in the circumstances, is it imperative to give azaan and recite iqaamat before salaat? Does this also apply if one is also performing missed salaats?

Replying to the Azaan of different Musjids

Q: I live in a Muslim Village of about 200 households. We have 6 (six) mosques in our locality and all of them uses loudspeakers for Azan. I’ve read that we must answer the call to prayer. Sometimes the Azans from all the mosques don’t overlap and I’ve been left wondering if answering one is enough or do I have to answer all of them. Please clarify. Also on one site I read that using loudspeakers for Azan is an act of Bida’at. Is it so?