

Q: We are 6 sisters, father died. He has 1 mother and 1 sister who is widowed and has 3 grown sons. She lives with her sons. In regards to inheritance. What is the share between all of these.


Q: My father passed away leaving 6 daughters who are all married and his mother is alive. He also has one sister who is widowed and has children. My question is who are his heirs and how will his house be shared out?


Q: My father died and he left a house. This housed is co-owned with his two brothers. My uncle went and sold the house and it's front land. The problem is that the essence of the purchase of the house was filled with problems like forcing people to sell their rights to the house. Secondly, we don't know yet whether my uncle who sold the house also sold the house of someone else and included in the inheritance that will be given to us. My uncle has sold their land too and gave them $50,000 however, that family are saying that their house has been sold and is in the money in the money that is given out to us. We have informed this to our uncle and he is rejecting all of this and is saying that he has not sold their house. Now the inheritance that will be given to us, we don't know what to do with it. Is it halal for us? Do we have to make the money halal by giving out charity? Or is it forbidden for us to consume the money and we should give out the whole money onto sadaqah.

Why does a boy inherit more than a girl?


1) Can you give detailed explanation on why does a son has more share on the wealth of his parents than a daughter? How shall a property/asset be distributed among 4 daughters and a son?

2) What's the Islamic perspective of a daughter's lineage - Is her lineage regarded as her and her in laws' descendants only? I read somewhere that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) stated about Hazrat Hussain (R.A) and Hazrat Hassan (R.A) being his bloodline whereas, generally, a child is a descendent of his father and beyond him.

3) Can we consider Hazrat Hajra being the most prominent islamic woman of all time - due to the obvious historical struggle she had in Makkah and her struggle is being remembered every year during hajj and umrah whereas no other woman has been given this much importance.