
Marital issues

Q: Is it wrong for me to stay away from my wife because she will not wear hijab? I told her that she should wear hijab nicely and I encourage her by teaching her how important it is. After I realized that she does not want to change, I stopped seeing her.

Also, before marriage she told me that she would do it. Alhumduallah I have changed a lot since marriage and I don't want to support her sins as I am responsible for it. Since I stopped seeing her, she got upset and now she likes to ignore me at times.

Also is it wrong for her to be very close to and hang out with her male cousins? She also sends them pictures without hijab daily with sweet text messages. I asked her to stop and she won't. 

Removing one's hijaab to study

Q: I started wearing my hijab since 2016, no one forced me with it and it was my choice, and it has been a year for wearing it, but the problem is the job of the family that I am working in. It mainly deals with men and our customers are for men. If I plan to study a major for this job, I have to remove my hijab, especially in my country that I live in. It is one of the reasons for a Muslim lady to be forced to remove her hijab, unless if she is married or the guy who would want to be halal for her, ask her to wear hijab. If I wanted to study a major and it is not eligible for a lady to be wearing hijab for this major or job, would Allah punish me for removing the hijab? I have chosen it with love, because I wanted Allah to be near always and for so many reasons. What can I do to ask forgiveness from Allah, if I remove the hijab? Can I fast for one week asking forgiveness? I know Allah is kind and knows what is inside my heart, and Allah knows that even if life forced me to remove the hijab, I would still come back to wearing it, but I would like to know, if I remove my hijab, what can I do so that Allah would forgive me?


Q: I wore hijab two years ago and now I really want to take it off. I have been waiting for few months for that feeling to change and it's not changing. I pray and I read Quran but the environment is not helping me. A lot of people are mistreating me because of it and I feel people treat me through the hijab not for who I am. I have been searching a lot to understand why I must wear it but nothing convinced me. 

Wearing hijaab when leaving the home

Q: I have started wearing hijab from Baqara Eid of this year. I never thought it would be such a beautiful spiritual experience. I had to do some struggle to start wearing it. Allah's help came in very unexpected way. And he solved all my problems. One thing I can share - Before buying hijab I had one style of hijab in mind. Because of limited cash I got whatever I get with that money. Cloth of my first hijab wasn't good so I returned that to shopkeeper. He brought another hijab for me. And it EXACTLY of same style I had in my mind. When shopkeepers gave me 2nd hijab I didn't realised that it was according to my preference. But when I went to tailor to shorten it's length. He said 2nd hijab is different from 1st hijab so I am charging you more money. Then I realised that I got hijab according to my liking. This made me realise sometimes we forget what we want but Allah don't forgets about our wants. That's was really very amazing. And because of this I become more serious about hijab. My parents don't know about it. And I can't tell them now. So I wear and remove it outside. I wear hijab in a commercial building (in washroom) near my house. It is commercial building so no one particularly notice me because many people come and go. It also crowded (I live in India-Population). So it is also safe for me. On the way to home and till I reach the commercial building I am not in hijab. So is there something wrong about it? I try to not look attractive when I am not in hijab. Like I don't wear earnings, tie my hair up in bun.. I try do my best. Tell me if this wrong. Someone said I am making fun of Islam. And I cant be without hijab once I start wearing it. And please guide me how I can improve. 

Non-mahrams visiting a widow and seeing to her needs


1. My mother in law is presently observing her iddat. Owing to the fact that her son and husband have passed on and her brothers live far off, I take the responsibility of taking her out of the house for necessary needs e.g. hospital visits., etc. Am i allowed?

2. The second query would be regarding other ghair mahram men. Are they allowed to visit her at home? Is she allowed to go with them to any place that is deemed unnecessary? I think that she is not allowed to. She has recently left the house with an uncle of hers (not related by blood) for a few hours. Her reasoning is that he is an elder. Please clarify for me. Does my deceased father in law incur any azaab as well? 



1. Is it mandatory to wear hijab for a grown up Muslim woman and what exactly is Hijab?

2. Is it enough to cover her satar (hair and body except the face, hands (fingers)) or is it a compulsion to wear a black colour burkha as we wear in India?

3. What is ruling regarding talking to men of the opposite gender?

4. What if a woman is a civil servant wherein she has to follow a dress code, What is the ruling in such a condition?

Wearing hijaab

Q: I have always known that the fragrance of Jannah will be haraam for a woman that does not wear hijab and that it is compulsory on woman to wear it in Islam. However, I never really let that soak in until very recently when I started wearing the hijab. Nobody has ever ostricized me for it and I was gaining confidence and starting to be comfortable about going out with it. I was starting to tell myself that I look better with hijab than without it even though I didn't really believe that. The other day my mother just ruined it all. She kept making little hints but the other day she couldn't handle it any more and told me that I'm becoming too holy and that I don't have to act like an old lady and wear scarf all the time. She said that it's more difficult for women who wear hijab to get married because boys like modern girls. When I began crying she tried to cover up what she initially said by telling me that she only meant I should take it off when sitting privately with friends in a coffee shop etc which made zero sense because obviously there would be male waiters around. She said that she just meant I would feel more comforable and fit in better without my scarf on. I never felt very uncomfortable or odd with it but after she said that I do. She apologized and my father explained to her how we're meant to stick to Allah's commands no matter what etc. The matter was closed and everybody moved past it but I can't get over it. I still wear scarf but now I feel like I look like an old lady in it. I tie it properly and try my best to dress nicely and look neat but she still makes me feel like I look like an old lady and it has broken my confidence like she often does. I am still very hurt by this and want to gain my confidence back but I don't know what to do. I have no idea how to feel about this. What do I do to console myself and is there a dua I can read to be more confident and not care about opinions?

Removing one's hijaab in front of non-Muslim girls

Q: I have a question regarding hijab. I am a student in college and because of the commute to and from my college, I live on campus. However, I can’t afford the cost of living in a single room, and so I share a room with another person. This year, I was able to find a Muslim girl to live with, but I wasn’t so lucky with my roommate for next year. I wanted to get a suite with 5 of my other Muslim friends, but we weren’t able to get one because there weren’t enough 6-person suites, so we had to break up. This left me to decide between rooming with a friend who is a non practicing Muslim and a non Muslim friend. For this, I thought the living situation would be the same with both of them. They’re great people, so I thought about who I would feel most comfortable with as a person and a Muslim. Thus I decided to choose my non Muslim friend as my roommate for next year.

My concern now is with hijab. I know that it’s obligatory and I love it’s meaning and it’s significance and I love educating other people about it. What I’m not really clear on however, is whether or not I can take it off in the presence of all women. My mom used to tell me that you can take it off only in a room full of girls. This is also common knowledge among majority of the Muslimah. But for quite some time, my mom has been telling me that you can only take it off when with other Muslim girls or women. Not in front of non Muslim girls or women. I even researched for myself and found this too. But I also found that it doesn’t really matter when thinking logically. A corrupt/non practicing Muslim is just the same as a non Muslim. Thus, if and only if you trust the person can you not wear hijab in front of these types of women.

Considering that I’ll be living with a non Muslim young woman for 8 months (each semester is 4 months), I wanted to directly ask a scholar so that I can be clear on this concept for the sake of my own knowledge and doing the right thing.