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Title Tags
Provident fund business, interest, provident fund
Provident fund
Provident fund from the government
Provident fund, Liberty life cover and Sanlam Retirement annuity
Providing a separate kitchen and dwelling for the wife
Providing a separate living area for the wife
Providing a service to the bank
Providing for one's father's new wife and her children children, father, nafaqah, wife
Providing for one's wife nafaqah
Providing for one's wife if she is living with her mother
Providing IT solutions to a bank
Providing my employers with a picture of myself for an organogram
Providing one's wife with separate quarters
Providing separate living quarters for the daughter in-law
Providing separate quarters for the wife
Providing separate quarters for the wife advice, in-laws, living separately
Proving one's innocence
Proving scientific theories from the Qur'an
Proxy nikaah
PRP (platelet rich plasma) treatment
Psychological problem advice, psychologist
Psychologist ki baate maan na
PTV me job karna
PTV news me kaam karna
Pubic hair removal for women
Public hospitals advice, medical aid, public hospitals
Publishing tales and novels wherein Allah Ta'ala is praised and glorified
Pukhta Imaan ke lia wazifa
Pulling a person back from the front saff in Jamaat Salaah
Pulling a person back from the front saff in Jamaat Salaah jamaat salaah, saff, salaah
Pulling the alif in Azaan
Pulling the wishbone on Thanksgiving
Pulling up one's pants in Salaah
Punishing a thief
Punishment for a person committing suicide
Punishment for a person who is involved in illicit activities with a married woman
Punishment for a thief
Punishment for blasphemy in Islam blasphemy, punishment
Punishment for cheating someone cheating and deception, visa
Punishment for committing adultery
Punishment for committing suicide punishment, suicide
Punishment for committing zina
Punishment for committing zina in a non-Muslim country
Punishment for committing zina with a minor girl, girl baby, punishment, rape, zina
Punishment for evil intentions
Punishment for forgetting Islamic knowledge
Punishment for having intercourse during the days of haidh days, haidh, sexual relations
Punishment for homosexuality homosexuality, punishment, zina
Punishment for insulting Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) aqaaid, insult, nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
Punishment for killing someone's horse
