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Title Tags
Refund in foreign currency
Refunding excess after repairs back to the tenant
Refunds on Taxes paid with Interest Money
Refusing a gift
Refusing a proposal due to concerns regarding the family's chastity and modesty
Refusing medical treatment medical treatment
Refusing the husband from having frequent relations
Refusing to accept a gift gifts
Refusing to accept exchanges and refunds on sale items business, condition, refund, returns
Refusing to accept gifts on occasions
Refusing to forgive someone advice, asking for forgiveness, forgiving
Refusing to forgive someone asking for forgiveness
Refusing to make nikaah
Refusing to marry someone who does not accept purdah nikaah, proposal, purda
Refusing to perform Salaah behind the Imaam imaam, muqtadi
Refusing to settle one's debt
Regarding Haraam to be Halaal
Regarding the different qiraats to be Islamic traditional art
Registering a child on the mother's name mother, nikaah, surname
Registering a company name
Registering a company name
Registering a property on another person's name for tax reasons
Registering a property on someone else’s name gifts
Registering adopted child under the adoptive fathers name adoption, father, name, surname
Registering the nikaah according to the C.O.P contract
Regret after hitting one's ill father
Regret for speaking harshly to one's mother
Regretting one's past advice, repentance and tawbah
Regretting permanent ligation contraceptives, ligation, nikaah
Reimbursing the person one had stolen from
Rejecting a fardh of Deen
Rejecting a fardh of Deen
Rejecting a marriage proposal due to not being physically attracted to the person attracted, nikaah, proposal
Rejecting a proposal
Rejecting a proposal due to the boy living far away
Rejecting a Sunnah
Rejecting abrogated Surahs
Rejecting Ijmaa' (the consensus of the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum))
Rejecting taqdeer aqaaid, taqdeer
Rejecting the Hadith aqaaid, rejecting the hadith
Rejecting the Sunnat of Nikaah ambiyaa, aqaaid, kufr, nikaah, sunnah
Rejoicing when in difficulty
Relating one's problems to someone
Relations after haidh before making ghusal ghusal, haidh, sexual relations
Relations before rukhsati nikaah, rukhsati, sexual relations
Relations with one's wife during haidh
Relations with ones wife in the state of haidh
Relationship between spouses
Relationship between the children after divorce of the parents children, talaaq
