Tasbih-e-fatimi, ayatul kursi etc. after the fardh

Q: After the fardh salaah, I know according to the hanafi madhab the tasbih-e-fatimi, ayatul kursi etc should be read only after the sunnah-e-muakkida. However, if I end up forgetting or getting distracted after sunnats and find it easier and can be more punctual in recitation after the fardh immediately, and then after that read sunnats, is this permissible?

Providing my employers with a picture of myself for an organogram

Q: The company I work for have requested that I provide them with a picture of myself which they want to use for an organogram. "An Organogram is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs." Is it permissible for me to take a photo for this purpose?

Dreaming of a jinn

Q: I had a dream all I remember in the dream was that, I was  in the masjid reading quran when a jinn in a white kurta appeared and all the lights went out then the jinns face begab to change into sonething of a scary nature. Can you interpret this for me?

CCTV for security purposes

Q: What will the ruling be regarding the use of cctv camera if it is used for security purposes? Won't it be regarded as a need just as the  taking of passport photos is allowed for a need though related to a worldly reason like a business trip?

In which of the following cases will sajda-e-sahw be waajib

Q: What is the case if one recites in his Salaah:

  1. Surah fatiha (right after one another) twice in one of the first two rakats.
  2. Surah fatiha after the surah one has read after surah fatiha.
  3. Surah fatiha twice in the last two rakaats.
  4. At-tahiyyaat twice in the first sitting.
  5. At-tahiyyaat twice in the last sitting one after another.
  6. At-tahiyyaat again after the durood ibrahimiyyah
  7. Durood ibrahimiyyah one after another.

In which cases one must repeat the prayer as makruh tahrimi act was carried out?