Spotting During Ramadhaan

Q: My wife is nursing a 4 months old and she is breastfeeding. She recently put an Intrauterine contraceptive device that has side effects like vaginal spotting and irregular menstrual cycle. She is experiencing some spotting that she thinks it's not her normal period. What should she do concerning fasting, prayers and reading Qur’aan?

Being Forced to Drink the Child's Water and Break the Fast

Q: A relative of mine came from overseas for holiday. The wife carried hot water in a flask for the child's milk. At the airport in England, they asked her to drink the water (to see whether it is really water on something else). She explained that she is fasting. They said either she drinks little of the water or they will have to throw the water away. She therefore drank some of the water. Will she have to keep only qadhaa, or kaffarah as well?