
Q: I want to to know the interpretation of my two dreams. First is I saw rain in my dream that I was standing in my home's window and it was raining outside. It was a normal light rain, not very high downpour or destructive one. I don't remember properly but I think that I even took few droplets of rain in my hands from my window. Second question is that I am going through a hard time these days and one day I saw myself continuously reciting "fasayak fi kahumullah wahuwas samee ul aleem" ayat of surah baqra in my dream. What would these two dreams mean according to Islam? Request you to please kindly interpret my dream. I will be highly grateful to you."


1. Rain refers to Allah Ta'ala's mercy. May Allah Ta'ala rain His special mercy upon you.

2. Turn to Allah Ta'ala and seek His divine assistance and help.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
