Q: My question is that I met a Muslim guy online and we fell love in last year. He used to support Islam on the internet just like me but somehow we fell in love. Then suddenly he started abusing Islam astaghfirullah and he made friends with atheists. When I asked him about his behaviour, he says he is just trollig the atheists. I think this is silly. He makes fun of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) but at the same time he fasts and prays too. I love him a lot but he treats me bad and ignores me a lot but still he says he loves me. What kind of love is this sir? And tell me a dua so I can forget him.
A: All types of premarital relationships are haraam and impermissible. Make sincere taubah for this and promise Allah Ta`ala that you will never return to this sin again, and beg Allah Ta`ala for His special mercy.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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