Q: A South African Muslim's son became a Christian. Should his family cut of all ties with him? He assists his parents with cash and kind as they are not well to do, can they accept this help? His father died, can he attend the janaazah? Can he pay towards all the burial expenses? He now comes home often to console his mother and fulfil any needs she has as he can, is this fine? The rest of the family are adamant that his mother and sister cut off all ties with him and stop him from coming home. Is this correct advice according to Shari'ah? He has two small children who are dearly loved by their grandmother. Can they visit? Is it correct to call them children of Shaitaan?
A: They should cut off ties with him.
As above.
If the children are interested in Islam and will take Islam as their religion she should encourage them.
There is no apparent reason to say these types of statements.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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