Q: I am investing Money with one of my Hindu friends. He always tells me that he is investing in chemical business and scrap business, because I have told him strictly that my religion don't allow me to earn haraam money? But he is always saying it is halaal income and I am investing it because I get good profit? I am just having faith in him that he is investing in halaal business. My question is 1. Should I invest money with him in future or not? 2. If in future if I get to know that all his money which I earn from him was haraam, what shall I do with that money? Will I will be punished for this from Allah Ta'ala? I make sure and ask him always to invest my money in halaal business and my friend also always tells my that he is investing it in halaal business.
A: We do not know how reliable this person is. Since we are listening to all types of investments and how they are all going down, and we do not whether he is honest enough to conform to the laws of shari`ah, hence we cannot comment on this.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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