Dreaming of old Musjids

Q: In my dream many a times I see old mosques (like old or pattharwali Masjid are in india). I see Howz (wudu khana), I see water in it. Often I see imam of our masjid where I stay in India and also see some people offering namaaz. I have heard that if you see yourself in masjid or see Imam of your area, masjid and people offering namaaz means mowakill comes to you or they like you, is it true?


1. The meaning of the dream is that Allah Ta'ala will bless you with the tawfeeq of following the Sunnah.

2. No

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
