Tibbe Nabawi - Eating Bananas

Q: I can not find that hadith which I read when I was young. I remember that I had read in Tibbe Nabawi that Banana is gold if it is taken morning time, silver zuhar time and poison if it is taken in the night. I am trying to find that hadith. I was a health teacher, something like that I can say about fruits too. Would you like to comment on that? If not possible for you then please refer me to someone else. What are the rulings to take fruits in Islam? I am ready to throw out everything from mind about fruits if there are clear injunctions in Islam. I do not want any kind of bidat in my life or anything which is not according to the sunnat. Your advice is highly appreciated.

A: This is not a hadeeth. It may be perhaps the experience of some physicians of the past. Experiences could change from time to time and person to person.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)