Q: My elderly 78 year old Nigerian Christian neighbor called me to her home today and advised me that she has been experiencing evil influences for the past 10 years. She believes her home to be the problem. She says she is troubled by bad spirits troubling her during the night not letting her sleep. Her Christian priests advised her to undertake lots of prayer, one advised her to take benefit from Yaseen Shareef. Hence she has approached me. She wants me to find someone to do an amal for her. She has asked for holy water as well. What shall I do? She says she is very desperate. I am tempted to give her zam zam and a copy of the Qur'an Shareef in English. Should i also give her audio Qur'an? Please advise what I should do in this instance. Should my family or I be concerned at getting involved in this sort of thing? Can there be repercussions? Your direction in this matter is very much appreciated.
A: Don't give her the Qur'aan or any part of the Qur'aan. Rather, you may recite Surah Yaseen, blow into the water and give it to her and ask her to drink of it and apply it to her head and face.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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