Dreaming of not finding money in the purse

Q: Me and my mother had a weird dreams on the same day. We both are very restless with the dreams. Kindly help us to analyze if it has a meaning or just boggling of mind. Since past four months me and my family have been going through hell due to my divorce. My Mother's Dream. She saw me or my brother asked her to give us money and when she went to look into her black purse she found only waste items like torn papers, garbage etc. She was shocked and started to clean it and in the end she found a lot of money but torn. What does it mean?

My Dream, I saw a human snake who was trying to kill me or marry me I don't exactly remember but either of the two that human snake wanted to do. What does this mean?


1. May Allah Ta'ala remove her worries and bless her with comfort.

2. May Allah Ta'ala keep you safeguarded against evil.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
