Breaking off a haraam relationship

Q: I have one problem and I need to know that what should I do. I am 28 years old and married 6 years ago but 3 years back I met a guy on chat. We became close friends, we even started loving each other but many times I feel that I am doing wrong. I am cheating my husband. I decided to break relation with that guy but don't know, I feel like I hurt that guy as he was in love. Now without letting him know any reason, I am not in contact with this guy because I don't want to do any sinful deed anymore. I want to know that did I do the right thing? But one feeling is still in my mind that maybe I hurt that guy and maybe he will not forgive me. Please guide me what should I do?

A: Don't be concerned about that. The hurt was for the sake of Allah. Why did he hurt the shari`ah's law?

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
