Embracing Islam

Q: I am a Hindu woman. I seek answer/ meaning to one of my dreams that I had few days back. Here is my dream :- "I was lying done in my bed, and the door of my room's balcony was wide open. When I opened my eyes, I turned my head towards the balcony. It was almost dawn, and I could see a mosque (in real there is no mosque visible from my balcony ). It's four minarets were sky touching and I could hear Adhan. It brought a smile on my face. Then, I get up and walked towards a huge window of my room ( I have no huge window in my room). Window was very wide, and had huge window pan, which was open. I rested my arms on window frame and looked down...there was a terrace just below the window. And there were sufi singers lost in praise of The Allah. I could see these words, " La illaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah", floating in air, passing by me. I was all smiling. Then I see, the terrace is part of a school where there are toddlers and young kids. I also saw my two twin boys as toddlers ( in real they are about to be six). All the toddlers and kids had register and pen in their hands . On their register it was written, " SETU School for Kids." There were teachers also to take care of all kids and to teach them. On that same premise, there was a rocking chair, where an old man was sitting. He was having certain confidence and calmness on his face. He wore a smile and was looking at me.

A: The religion of Islam is a religion of peace. The one who embraces Islam will receive inner peace and happiness in this world and the next. If you embrace Islam, you will also receive peace, honour and success in this world and the next.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
