Fabricated narration

Q: I found the below hadith in a spiritual healing book, the book did not mention any reference of this hadith, to create awareness through emails, blogs, forums, could you please provide me the reference of this hadith and its authenticity?

It is reported that Uthman ibn Affan, may Allah be pleased with him, requested further information about allahs injunctions of the keys of the treasures of heavens and the earth (mentioned several times in the quran).The Prophet(s.a.w.s) said to him:"You have inquired of me something which nobody has ever asked me before. the keys of the treasures of the heaven and earth are as follows":

la ilaha illa llahu wa llahu akbar,wa subhan allahi wal hamdu lillahi wastagfiru llah alladhi la ilaha illa hu wal awwalu wal akhiru waz zahiru wal batinu yuhyi wa yumitu wa huwa hayyan la yamutu, bi yadihil khayr wa huwa ala kulli shayin qadir.

There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Allah the Almighty is the greatest. Allah is the glorious and praiseworthy and I ask Allah for forgiveness. There is no power to do good and no strength to be saved from evil except with the grace of Allah. He is the first and the last. He is the apparent and the hidden . He is the Everliving Who never dies. He imparts and takes away life. There is blessing with Allah the Almighty. He is the ruler over everything. 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) continued:"O Uthman! Whoever recites it one hundered times every day will be rewarded by ten graces.First all his previous sins will be forgiven. Second,his sufferings from hell fire will be written of. Third ,two angeles are appointed to guard him day and night from his sufferings and diseases. Fourth,he is granted a treasure of blessings. Fifth,he will reap as much blessings as someone who would have set free one hundered slaves from the offspring of the prophet ismail(a.s).Sixth, he would be rewarded of blessings asif he had read the entire Quran, the Psalms, the Torah, and the Bible. Seventh, a house will be constructed for him in the heaven. Eight,he will be married to a pious heavenly maiden.Ninth he will be honored with a crown of honor. Tenth, his recommendations( for forgiveness) of seventy of his relatives will be accepted.”

A: Based on our research, it is recorded in Meezan-ul-I`tidaal that this narration is a fabrication. You may refer to other ulama as well.

مخلد أبو الهذيل العنبري البصري عن عبدالرحمن المدنى عن ابن عمر عن عثمان قال العقيلى في إسناده نظر

محمد بن أبى بكر المقدمى حدثنا أغلب بن تميم المسعودي حدثنا مخلد أبو الهذيل عن عبدالرحمن المدينى عن ابن عمر عن عثمان سألت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن تفسير قوله له مقاليد السموات والارض فقال يا عثمان ما سألني عنها أحد قبلك تفسيرها لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر وسبحان الله وبحمده، وأستغفر الله ولا قوة إلا بالله الاول والآخر والظاهر والباطن بيده الخير يحي ويميت وهو على كل شئ قدير فيها من الاجر كمن قرأ القرآن والتوراة والانجيل والزبور وكمن حج واعتمر...الحديث

قلت هذا موضوع فيما أرى (ميزان الاعتدال 4/ 308)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)