Reciting the Qur'an and making ta'leem at home

Q: I saw a dream around 6:30 am. I saw my house is very dark. I was standing in the kitchen when I felt like some strange creature walked down the staircase. I ignored it as it was completely dark around. The very next moment I saw my sister studying and me and my mom were sitting on the couch. At the same time I saw the same strange creature coming out of my sister's body. My mom took hold of my hand and said, did you see that strange thing coming out. I replied, yes I don't know what it is. That creature's face was that of my sister from whom it came out, it had her long hair open on her sides. The creature was completely transparent. You could see through. We felt like it will get into any of us but that thing walked straight towards the door. My mom shouted, grab it! I ran after that thing. That creature kept on running till the end of the street. It looked back and threw a stone towards me. I stepped back then again began running after it. After reaching the end of the street, it turned back and gave me an angry look and then went away. Please tell me the meaning of this dream.

A: Ensure that you and your family are punctual upon performing Salaah on its prescribed time and upon observing strict purdah with all non-mahrams. Make ta`leem of Fazaa'il-e-A`maal and Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat daily with your family and reserve some portion of the night and day for the recitation of the Qur'an. Remove all pictures of animate objects from the home and encourage each other to practise the sunnah and carry out righteous works within the home. In this way the home will be safeguarded from evil influences and Allah Ta'ala's rahmat and the angels of mercy will remain in your home.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
