Q: When arranging the row for prayer I saw that one man had a trouser with a PUMA logo (animation of a jaguar) at the side of the leg, so I did not stand next to him, but I stood next to the person who was standing next to him so that this animated picture would be not visible to me. However when we stood up for the 2nd rakah the man was for some seconds still in the sajdah posture so I saw this animated picture. Did my salaah become makruh and must I repeat it?
A: Your Salaah is valid, you do not have to repeat it.
ويكره أن يكون فوق رأسه في السقف أو بين يديه أو بحذائه تصاوير أو صورة معلقة لحديث جبريل إنا لا ندخل بيتا فيه كلب أو صورة ولو كانت الصورة صغيرة بحيث لا تبدو للناظر لا يكره لأن الصغار جدا لا تعبد (الهداية 1/ 142)
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